Hi Namaste from Nepal!
Have ever heard about Nirmal Baba Ji?
In case you haven't, here is short introduction.

Me and my wife follow baba ji since 1 and half years time. we have great experience. We have Travel agency in Kathmandu, Nepal. Our travel agency was not running well. We always follow what baba ji says in television. We follow all what babaji told in TV. Now our travel business is better and better every day.
I told everyone to follow Baba ji and listen carefully what baba ji tell you. Then follow step by step. You will have great experience in your life. After that happiest life you will have. Trust the God and follow nicely..Kripa in your Hand. Trust me!
Dear Follower or Bhaktajan of Nirmal Baba ji! If you want to write something about Nirmal Baba ji please post in comment.
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